- PrasadaBabu
Mail id :prasad.golla8@gmail.com
Mobile: +91 9494477404
- C.A(Computer Applications) from PB. Siddhartha college-PG Center, Vijayawada affiliated to AcharyaNagarjunaUniversity in 2012.
- Sc(M.P.C) from Satavahana college, Vijayawada affiliated to Acharya NagarjunaUnivesity.
- INTERMEDIATE(M.P.C) from Board of Intermediate Education, AP., in 2006.
- SSC from Board of Secondary Education, Ap., in 2003.
- Got Participated certificate in PVPSITTCF-2011 on a National level technical event at P.V.PSiddhartha Engineering college, Vijayawada in 2011.
- Got certificate in Leader Ship Qualities Work shop conducted by Sri Sathya Sai Baba Charitable Trust at P.B Siddhartha college, Vijayawada in 2011.
- Working as Lecturer in Computer Science from 4th October 2021 in Government Degree College, Bantumilli.
- Worked as Lecturer in Computer Applications from 3rd July 2017 to 3rdOctomber 2021 in Government Degree College, Bantumilli.
Computer Networks, HTML, CSS, Java Script, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Java Programming, Office Automation Tools,Database Management System, E- Commerce, PHP programming, Operating system.
Father’s Name : VASANTHA RAO
Date of Birth : 06-JUNE-1988
Marital Status : Married
Nationality & Religion : Indian & Hindu
Languages Known : Telugu and English
Address for Communication : PRASADA BABU .GOLLA
I hereby declare that all the above given details are true best to my knowledge and belief.