| B. VEDANTHAM, M.A, M. A(Edn)., M. Phil., (Ph.D) Department of ECONOMICS, HOD,Govt. Degree College, Bantumilli., Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh. Cell. No : 9652683575, mail.id.: vedanthambattu72@gmail.com |
Academic Profile : |
- AEconomics,KakatiyaUniversity, Warangal (1993-95)
- A( Edn) Andhra University, Visakhapatnam(1998-2000)
- Phil (Economics) Andhra University, Visakhapatnam(2000-2002)
- (Ph.D),ANU Guntur Perusing.
Ihavequalifiedinthe“AndhraPradeshState Level EligibilityTestforAssistantProfessor”conducted byCollege Service Commission in January, 1999.- Received Best Teacher Award from District Collector, Krishna in March, 2006
Teaching Experience : |
Received Best Teacher Award District Collector, Krishna in March, 2011- Worked as school Assistant(Social Studies) from 22-01-2002 to 06 -02-2012.
- Working as a Lecturer from 07-02-2012 onwards.
Professional Experience: |
- Worked as a UGC Co-coordinator from 2014 to 2016in MRR GDC Udayagiri
- Acted as a Principal(FAC) GDC Bantumilli from 12-04-2018 to 25-01-2020
- Acting as a NSS Program Officer from 2018 onwards
- Co-coordinator of UG Examinations from 2020 onwards
Refresher course / Orientation Programmes attended |
- Participated Orientation Course from 26-04-2012 to 23-05-2012(4 weeks) Conducted by UGC Academic staff college, UOH, Hyderabad.
- Participated in the Inter Disciplinary REFRESHER COURSE in “ Disaster Management” Held from 28-09-2015 to 18-10-2015(3 weeks) Conducted by UGC- HRDC, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
- Participated in the REFRESHER COURSE in “Research Methodology in Social Science” Held from 18-08-2016 to 07-09-2016(3 weeks) Conducted by UGC- HRDC, Maulana Azad National Urdu University(MANUU), Hyderabad.
Seminars/Conferences/Workshop attended or Presented papers : |
- ParticipatedinNationalSeminaron “IMPACT OF CROP INSURANCE SCHEME ON RURAL ECONOMY IN AP”2015, Department of Economics, VISVODAYA Govt. Degree College, SPSR Nellore Dist.
- Participated in State level seminar on “QUALITY ENHANCEMENT IN GOVT. DEGREE COLLEGES-ROLE OF TEACHERS” organized by GCGTA, AP held at Dr. BR AMBEDKAR Assembly Hall, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam(2015).
- Participated in Two days national Seminar on “DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION: ROLE OF YOUTH” organized by Department of Social Work Dr. B. R. AmbedkarUnivesitySrikakulam, Etcherla AP(2018).
- Presented a paper on“ Potential and Challenges of Rain Fed Forming” UGC sponsored Two Days National Seminar on Challenges and Opportunities for agricultural Development in India Organized by Department of Economics ANU Guntur(2021).
- Presented a paper on“Status of Shrimp Exports during COVID 19 Situation” UGC sponsored Two Days National Seminar on Revival of Agriculture and Rural Development Organized by Department of Economics ANU Guntur(2022).
- Participated one day workshop on UGC –XII Plan Guidelines organized by Govt. College for Women(A), Guntur and Commissionerate of Collegiate Education, Govt of A. P , Hyderabad on 21-10-2014.
- Participated one Workshop on UGC Schemes and Guidelines held at Dr. V. S. Krishna Govt. degree College(A), Visakhapatnam, on 06-07-2015 organized Commissionerate of Collegiate Education, Govt of A. P.
- Participated in the Two workshop on “Research Methodology and Data Analysis-SPSS” held on 4th and 5th July 2016 at Diechman auditorium ANU Guntur.
- Participated in the One day District level Workshop on “Project Work At UG Level in Cluster Paper” Organized by Department of Economics and History & Tourism SRR & CVR Govt. Degree College(A), Vijayawada on 15-02-2018.
- Participated in the 100th Annual Conference of the Indian Economic Association held on 27-30 December, 2017 in the Department of Economics, ANU Guntur.
- Participated in One Week International Workshop on “Shape Your Future – Share Not Your Ideas” from 21st March to 26th March 2022 Organized by IQAC, placement Cell & JKC of GDC, Avanigadda.
Publications : |
- Paper published on “ Potential and Challenges of Rain Fed Forming”Published in Book on Challenges and Opportunities for agricultural Development in India, Edited By Prof. k. MadhuBabu, ANU Guntur, Roshan Publications CBM Compound, Visakhapatnam, ISBN No : 978-81-944315-2-7
- Paper published on “Status of Shrimp Exports during COVID 19 Situation”Published in Book Revival of Agriculture and Rural Development, Edited By Prof. k. MadhuBabu, ANU Guntur, Roshan Publications CBM Compound, Visakhapatnam, ISBN No : 978-93-92257-26-2.
Personal Information |
Father’s Name : B. SADGUNA RAO
Date of Birth : 20-APRIL-1972
Marital Status : Married
Nationality & Religion : Indian & Christian
Languages Known : Telugu, English and Hindi
Address for Communication : H. NO: 4-129,
Chinatummidi Post,
Krishna District
Pin No : 521329
I hereby declare that all the above given details are true best to my knowledge and belief.