Head of the Department & Lecturer,
Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Government Degree College,Bantumilli–521 324
Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh.
E – Mail : jahedabegum.s@gmail.com
1. |
“Safeguards of Women in India” – Yojana Monthly Magazine January-2014. |
2. | “Safeguards for Scheduled Tribes in India” – Modern Methods and Effectiveness of Tribal Programmes- Suggest Necessary Measures in The Light of Findings – ISBN : 978-81- 936640-2-5 March-2019. |
1. |
Paper presented on “Smart City Features and Challanges” XXXIVth Annual Conference of APEA held in Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P, During 13th & 14th February-2016. |
2. | Participated in the National Workshop on “Research Methodology & Data Analysis – SPS” organized by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P, on 04th & 05 July-2016. |
3. | Participated in the 99th Annual Conference of The Indian Economic Association organized by Sri Venkateswara University, A.P, During 27th to 29th December-2016. |
4. | Participated in “Integrated Plede” organized by Central Vigilance Commission On 12th February- 2017. |
5. | Participated in the National Workshop on “Global Summit on Corporate Social Responsibility” organized by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P, on 29.03.2017 to 31.03.2017. |
6. | Participated in the 100th Annual Conference of The Indian Economic Association organized by Departments of Economics, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P During 27.12.2017 to 30.12.2017. |
7. | Paper presented on “Contributions of Ambedkar Ideas on Minorities” is a National Seminar on Ambedkarism – An Overview Conducted by Dr.Ambedkar Chair, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P, During 19th & 20th March-2019. |
8. | Paper presented on “Concept of Bitcoin Currency” XXXVIth Annual Conference of APEA on Impact of Demonetization held in Shree Velagapudi Ramakrishna Memorial College, Nagaram,A.P, During 28th & 29th March-2018. |
9. |
Paper presented on “Importance of Zero Budget Natural Forms in India” is a National Seminar on Sustainable Agriculture in India-Issues and Challenges Conducted by Department of Economics, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P During 26th & 27th June-2019. |
10. | Participated in the State Level Seminar on “The Introduction of English Medium at Primary School in Andhra Pradesh – Social Responsibility” organized by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P, on 09.12.2019. |
11. | Participated in the “Jantacurfew Pledge” Organized by Government of India On 22nd March- 2020. |
12. | Participated in the “Spit Free India Movement” by National Service Scheme During June- August-2020. |
13. | Participated in the “Preamble to Constitution Programme” Organized by Ministry of Social Justice And Empowerment Government of India on 08th December -2020. |
14. | Participated in the “Pledge for Anti Dowry” organized National Commission for Women on 21st December-2020. |
15. |
Participated an Online Quiz on “Dr B.R.Ambedkar‟ organized by Department of Mathematics, SKR & SKR Government College for Women(A), Kadapa , on 14th April-2021. |
16. | Participated in the “Support for Senior Citizen” organized by NITI AAYOG on 01st August- 2021. |
17. | Participated in the National Workshop on “Swachta Action Plan ‟ organized by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Educatuon, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, India, on 07.08.2021. |
18. | Participated in the National Seminar on “India’s Foreign Policy – Changing Contours” organized by Department of Political Science, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak,Haryana, on 31.08.2021. |
19. | Participated in “Save and Restore Our Beloved Mother Earth Pledge” organized by Ministry of Earth Sciences on 18th November-2021. |
20. | Participated in the National Webinar on “Enterpreneurship Development‟ organized by UGC – Women Studies Center, Mizoram University and Department of Public Administration, Govt. Aizwal West College,Mizoram on 22.02.2022. |
21. | Participated in 2 Days International Webinar on “Emerging Global Order” organized by Department of Political Science, JMJ College for Women(A), Tenali, Andhra Pradesh, on 23rd & 24th February 2022. |
22. | Participated 6 Days Virtual International Faculty Development Programme on “Preceptors Perspectives on Revising in Redefining Values in Education” organized by Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, on 25.02.2022 to 03.03.2022. |
23. | Participated in Webinar on “Celebration of International Women’s Day” organized by Women’s Study Centre, Mizoram University, initiated by Ministry of Women & Child Development held on 08 March 2022. |
24. | Participated in Webinar on “Breast Cancer Awareness – The Importance of Preventive Care and Early Deduction” organized by WDC Cellof Seva Sadan,College of Arts, Science and Commerce,Ulhas Nagar,Thane-Maharashtra on 08th March-2022. |
25. | Participated in the Two day National Virtual Conference on “Social Implication of Artificial Intelligence on Women Athliete, Women Health & Nutrition in Light of COVID-19 Pandemic ” organized by C.P. & Berar E.S.College, ,Nagpur, & Indian Council of Social Science Research(ICSSR),WRC,Mumbai, on 08th & 09 March 2022. |
26. | Participated in 7 Days International Workshop on “Accelerated Need for New Skills in Teaching Career : Unlocking Job Apportunities in India & Abroad” organized by Dev Samaj College of Educxation Chandigarh, held on 9.03.2022 to 15.03.2022. |
27. | Participated in Online International Seminar on “Women Enterpreneurship and Inclusive Growth” organized by Women Cell and Enterpreneurship Development Cell, Santan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, in Collaboration with Directorate of Higher Educayion, Haryana, held on 11.03. 2022. |
28. |
Participated in the National Webinar on “Gender Equity – The Notion and the Route” organized by PG Department of Political Science, D.A.V.College, Abohar,Punjab, on 12.03.2022. |
29. | Participated & Completed 7 Days International Quiz on “Lessor Known Freedom Fighters of India(Series-2)” organized by Department of Medieval History, Hamidia Girl’s Degree College, University of Allahabad, on 08.03.2022 to 14.03.2022. |
30. | Participated in Online national Seminar on “Outcome Based Learning and Quality Improvement in Higher Education of India : NEP 2020″ organized by IQAC of Government Arts & Commerce College, Kathlal, Gujarat, held on 15.03. 2022. |
31. |
Participated in International Webinar on “Reshaping Today’s Education : Progressive Education in 21st Century” organized by International Council for Education Research and Training (ICERT) on the eve of UN International Day of Happiness held on 19.03.2022. |
32. | Paper presented One Day International Level E-Conference on Climate Change and Water Resource organized by Department of Geography & IQAC, The New College Kolhapur, Maharashtra, on 21st March-2022. |
33. | Participated International Workshop on on “Journey of Teacher Education from Vedic Era to NEP 2020” Organized by Bhagat Phool Singh Institution of Teacher Training and Research, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Viswavidyalaya, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat(Haryana) During on 20&21March-2022. |
34. | Paper presented on “Women Empowerment in India: A Critical Analysis” is a National Seminar on “ Women in Family – Benifits and Barriers Conducted by – Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P, During 23th & 24th March-2022. |
35. | Participated in One Week International Workshop on on “Shape Your Future – Shape not Your Ideas” Organized by IQAC, Placement Cell & JKC of GDC Avanigadda, Krishna District,A.P, During on 21.03.2022 to 26.03.2022. |
36. | Participated in the UGC sponsered One Day National Workshop on “Reimagining Public Administratio in the 21st Century”, organized by Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Acharya Nagarjuna University,AP on 28th March-2022. |
37. | Participated in “My Vote is My Future” programme organized by Election Commission of India on 03rd April-2022. |
38. | Participated in “ECO CHAMPIONS INTERNATIONAL FEST” organized by TIP-The Inclusive Partnership on 06th April-2022. |
39. | Participated in the One Day Naytional Level Panel Discussion on “Implimentation of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020: Innovative Approaches and Challenges”, organized by North – Eastern Hill University, (NEP 2020 Impementation Committee), and North – Eastern Hill University Teachers Association (NEHUTA), North- Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Meghalaya, on 11th April-2022. |
40. | Participated in Online national Webinar on “Locating Women in the World of Human Rights” Organized by PG Department of Political Science, D.A.V.College, Abohar, Panjab University, Chandigarh, held on 7th May- 2022. |